Chewy Oatmeal Cookies for Ayelet Waldman

When I was a kid I thought oatmeal cookies were the last choice. Mostly because they were the first choice of well-meaning parents who thought oatmeal cookies were the healthy choice cookie. (Luckily for me, my parents believed cookies brought joy and if something brought you joy, ipso facto, it was good for you.)

Cranberry-Ginger Shortbread

Buttery shortbread, packed with crystallized ginger and dried cranberries, they are perfect for Thanksgiving, Christmas cookie swaps or also just eating hand over fist because they are easy to make and really quite good, as we say in England. Perfect for tea time, cookie swaps, bake sales or impressing people. Or just for yourself. Made for the Secret Life of Cookies podcast, found on acast and Apple podcasts or wherever nice podcasts are given away for free.

Ted Lasso's Shortbread Cookies

The official Ted Lasso shortbread cookie recipe is good, I tweaked it and made it better. But don’t worry, it’s still simple and sweet with a hidden complexity. Just like Ted Lasso. I baked these with Professor Jennifer Taub, author of Big Dirty Money for the podcast The Secret Life of Cookies.

Passion Fruit Pie with Coconut Cookie Crust

This pie is versatile: Make it with passion fruit puree, lemon juice, lime juice, half-lemon/half-lime, Meyer lemon, Key lime…you get the idea? The coconut cookie crust with its hint of salt may make rethink your allegiance to graham cracker crust. The perfect party pie, it also happens to be super-easy. Promise.

Banana Streusel Coffee Cake

Tender and full of banana flavor, this cake features streusel in the middle and on the top. The streusel isn’t the chunky, crumbly kind you find on traditional New Jersey coffee cake, but much softer. The streusel bakes into a ribbon of cinnamony soft caramel, disappearing into the batter in some places and leaving pockets of gooeyness in others.

Tuesday Muffins

This is the muffin to make when you need something cakey, quick. I created the basic muffin so you could make it any time you felt like, with what you had in your pantry. The add-ins are all up to you. Alternatively, you can just leave the muffin as the recipe is written: plain and simple. You really can’t mess up. In fact, you will be amazed and impressed at how much cooking genius is inside of you.

Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Chip Bread

This spice-rich pumpkin bread is a staple in my house. Along with being exceptionally tasty, this breakfast cake is vitamin-rich thanks to chocolate chips and pureed pumpkin. Of course you don’t have to add chocolate chips. Of course you can add walnuts or pecans instead. They’re supposed to be nutritious too. This recipe makes two, count ‘em, two loaves and doesn’t require a stand mixer or any fancy tools. Great for tea parties and general, all-hour snacking.

Passion Fruit Poundcake

Passion fruit pound cake is a luscious twist on pound cake. It still has the buttery, vanilla notes you want, but shakes up the whole experience with the sweet-tart tropical express that is passion fruit. This is a simple, elegant cake; good for breakfast, tea time, dessert or a bake sale that you really care about.

Daddio's Biscotti with Nell Scovell

These are quiet, unassuming cookies. They don’t scream their flavors at you or insist you take a photo of them and post it to Instagram. They’ve a soft, crumbling crunch, and were my dad’s favorite. You can make them your own, however, with whatever flavor combinations you like.