Luscious Cream Cheese Brownies with Rachel Vindman

Luscious Cream Cheese Brownies with Rachel Vindman

For me, putting together a collection of the best brownie recipes is my personal quest, my chocolatey Holy Grail, if you will. I say “recipes,” as in a world of chewy, fudgy, cakey brownies, there cannot be just One Perfect Recipe. This here recipe for cheesecake brownies, however, it goes straight to the top of my list. As for the brownie recipe? It alone should make you put aside boxed brownie mix forever.


Don’t be put off that you have to make two batters. Both come together quickly.

As ever, use the best chocolate you can find.

Use block cream cheese (the kind you get in the box), never whipped cream cheese, please and thank you.

I made these on my Secret Life of Cookies podcast with the wonderful Rachel Vindman. So, run to the store, grab your supplies, have a listen to the podcast and within the hour you will have brownies.

Luscious Cream Cheese Brownies

For the brownie batter:

3 ½ ounces unsweetened chocolate

12 tablespoons (1 ½ sticks) butter

1 ½ cups sugar 11.9 ounces

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 large eggs, room temperature

¾ cup all-purpose flour

½ teaspoon salt

½ to ¾ cup semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips (I use Guittard, cuz I’m fancy)

For the cheesecake batter:

8 ounces of cream cheese, room temperature

5 tablespoons sugar

1 large egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

Optional additions:

Sprinkle fresh raspberries over the top

Add a swirl of Nutella

Add a swirl of a favorite jam (orange marmalade?)

Or? Send me your add-ins. I’d love to know your amendments.


1.     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2.     Spray a 8 x8 inch baking pan with Baker’s Joy or grease with butter.

3.     Using a double boiler, over simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter together in a large heat proof bowl, stirring occasionally to encourage melting (alternatively: the microwave method…first 1 minute blast, then stir, then 20 second blast, then stir. Another 10 second blast until nearly melted and stir and stir until entirely melted.) Let mixture cool for 5 minutes   

4.     Add the sugar and whisk until well-blended. You can use an electric mixer, but I’d save it for the cream cheese mixture. Why wash those beaters twice?) Whisk in the vanilla. Add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Continue to whisk for 20 seconds to make sure it’s well-blended. Remember to scrape the bowl between egg additions.

5.     Fold in the flour and salt until just incorporated. Add in the chocolate chips, if using. I think they add an exciting, intense burst of chocolate, but I don’t get out much.

6.     Set aside.

Make the cream cheese swirl

1.     Using a hand mixer (or stand mixer, or food processor, or ask a friend to do it for you, lol), beat the cream cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla together until well-blended, with no lumps of cream cheese visible.


1.     Pour two-thirds of the brownie mixture into the prepared baking pan.

2.     Dollop the cream cheese mixture evenly over the top of the brownie batter.

3.     Pour the remaining brownie batter over the top. It may not be even, but that’s okay, because…

4.     With a butter knife, run it through the batters to create a marble effect. You want to leave some cheesecake lumps visible. You don’t want the cheesecake to disappear. Enjoy playing with your food.

5.     If adding in any extras, sprinkle or swirl them through the batter now.

6.     Bake for about 30 to 40 minutes. A toothpick should come out with a few wee moist crumbs attached.

7.     I hate to say this, but you really should wait at least an hour to cut them. And…they’re even better if you can wait until they cool down…Even, gulp, refrigerated. No judgements. I’m just sharing what I know.

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