Merrill Markoe's Sugar-Free Breakfast Cookies

Merrill Markoe's Sugar-Free Breakfast Cookies

Listen to Merrill Markoe as my guest on The Secret Life of Cookies.

Merrill Markoe is a genius. How do you know this? Is it because she is a brilliant writer, who made Late Night with David Letterman hilarious? Is it because she has written numerous books? Is it because she wrote and illustrated her latest book, ,a graphic novel? It could possibly be all those things, but the crowning glory is her resolute belief in cookies for breakfast.

These super-nutritious sugar free cookies may not instantly make you witty and clever (but if you’re following my website, I suspect you already are), but they will make you happy at breakfast time, and that’s definitely something.

Merrill came up with the recipe because she no longer eats “regular” cookies, but told me when she shared this recipe: “In the next life I might eat nothing but cookies because I used to love them but gave them up because I dont want to eat empty calories.”

As followers of my website, I’m sure you understand that regular cookies aren’t empty calories because eating joy isn’t nothing.

Note: Merrill says this is a recipe for playing with. I would make a base batter of the almond flour, baking powder, sugar or sugar alternative, egg whites and oatmeal and then add delicious bits and pieces to your heart’s desire and pantry’s abilities.

Merrill Markoe’s Sugar-Free Breakfast Cookies


1 cup almond flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup oatmeal

1/2 grated apple OR mashed banana

1/4 to 1/2 cup egg whites

1 tbsp interesting seeds (flax, chia, sunflower….)

4 shakes ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon vanilla

3 to 4 tbsp monk fruit sugar or equivalent

1 large handful chocolate chips (sugar-free or otherwise)

1 handful smashed or sliverd almonds

1 handful raisins or dried cranberries

How To:

  1. Preheaat oven to 400 degrees F if using real sugar; 350 degrees F if using an alternative.

  2. Put all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix until blended. If the mixture looks a little dry add a few tablespoons of the milk of your choice. (A few tablespoons of leftover Earl Grey tea might be a v. pleasant addition).

  3. Dollop heaping tablespoonfuls of batter onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake until, as Merrill suggests: “til they look like what you expect cookies to look like.”

    They may not be much to look at, but they sure are tasty.

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